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Americans will spend more than $10,000 + on child care in 2022!

Childcare in 2022 will be even more competitive with the influx of new providers. With that being said, there are multiple ways to prepare for 2022 and make your business even more profitable this upcoming year. Many resources exist that allow a child care provider to excel in this competitive field. Below are a list of 11 key things to note that can help take your childcare to another level.

1. Understand the Child Care Market: The child care market is currently worth more than $75 billion in the US, and growing at a rate of about 5% per year. As the Baby Boomers grow older and need more help, childcare services are going to be in demand. The majority of businesses can't find a way to stay in business without having a good handle on the child care market.

2. Create a Value Proposition: The next thing you need to do is find your value proposition. It’s what makes your service different, better, or more valuable than your competitors. Why does your service exist? What problem is it trying to solve? These are the questions you need to answer before you can really put your thinking cap on and start creating your value proposition. A value proposition is a clear description of what a product/service does, why it’s worth buying, and who it’s going to serve.

3. Build Trust through Transparency: We think it's important while running a child care business that transparency and trust are some of the most important things to your success. As a business owner, you need to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and understand what they expect of you. You need to know who your customers are, and why they’re coming to you for childcare. Do not be afraid to stick to the operational and policy procedures that you put in place and if you find that something is not working, do not be afraid to send out an addendum and change it. This is your business and you want to be confident in it and be transparent with the families you serve.

4. Create a system for yourself: This advice is especially true for those who run home-based child care businesses. This is because if you are working at home, you will likely be your own boss. That means that you are in control of how you organize yourself and it is vital that you set up a system for yourself that you can follow every day. Having a system allow for you build consistency and discipline. Once you have your system going, parents will be able to see your system and are more likely to respect it because you don't take it lightly.

5. Learn to read the parents behavior and needs: Parents all have different parenting styles and values, and each family has its own unique expectations and wants. In order for parents to trust your care-giving skills, you need to earn their trust and they need to earn yours. The best way to do that is to have intentional conversations and to make sure all parties are on the same page.

Trust is a two way street!

6. Build a business plan that will be sustainable: We know we need to write one, but we don’t always know how to. That’s where YOU come in. Your job is to do some research and to learn what makes a business plan good, and then to write a plan that will work for your business. The key thing to remember is that a business plan is only as good as the data that you used to make it. That’s why we always recommend that you get to know your potential clients and understand their needs. That's the first step in writing a child care business plan. People don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan.

7. Be proactive with parents, not reactive: When you’re dealing with a parent, be proactive. Don’t get into situations where you’re reacting to things. Take the lead on what is going on and don’t wait until someone is complaining to try and help. The average parent has enough to worry about so being as professional as you can be is very important. Do not be afraid to speak up, but definitely do everything in a tactful manner and send out surveys here and there to see how you can make your business even more better for yourself and for the families that you serve.

8. Leverage Social Media to Build Relationships: How do you think your current customers feel when your business is mentioned? What about when your customers or your potential customers see your business on social media platforms? If you have the opportunity to tell your story through social media, don't let it pass you by. People like to connect with people as much as they can. When parents come to your page, your page should tell a story. They should know how to reach you in multiple ways and have a good idea of what your childcare is about based on the content you have posted. We are in the information age and people need information to make sound decisions.

9. Develop Content for Multiple Platforms: Content marketing is important for every business, but there are different platforms on which content can be shared. A key takeaway for childcare businesses is to focus on these platforms to reach your audience. Do a bit of research to see how and what ways each platform can help you connect with your clients.

10. Educate yourself and stay up to date with industry trends: A great resource for learning about the trends in the child care industry is the Child Care Marketing Report. The report will tell you everything you need to know about what’s popular, what’s hot, and what’s not in the child care industry.

11. Last but not the least, have fun and be yourself: In conclusion, to make 2022 the most profitable year as a child care provider, you need to start by assessing where you are. This is the first step to change. You should know your weaknesses, strengths, and your goals for the year. You’ll find that you’re not alone when it comes to the day-to-day challenges of running a successful business. It’s important that you develop a business strategy that will help you meet your financial goals, and be sure to have the proper systems in place to help you do that. DO NOT be afraid to delegate some of your tasks!

We are always here to help you if you have questions, need advice, guidance, or just products and services that will serve you and your business. If you had not had the opportunity to BROWSE around the Daycare Time Solutions website.

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We love our childcare programs, but oh boy when it comes to taxes, it can be a headache. A lot of times, we push it to the back of our minds until it's time to face it head on. No matter how you feel about the tax season, being a business owner, we have an obligation like all businesses to make sure to file our taxes and you definitely want to make sure they are filed correctly.

In most states, you are responsible to pay both federal and state taxes. (Check with your state to make sure). For this reason, you want to make sure you are keeping careful records while also ensuring that you receive every deduction that you are entitled to!

In an attempt to keep records of parent's payments throughout the year, many providers are taking advantage of parent communications apps such as Brightwheel, ProCare, Daily Connect, KidKare, etc.

You are a small business owner whether you are keeping your grandchild, have one or a few children, or a full program. Here are some valuable tips on other records to keep that we can think of off the top of our heads. (If you are using one of the parent communication apps, you are probably already keeping track.)

  • Attendance records showing the days and hours that a child was in your care

  • Receipts for expenses

  • Housing and utility bills

  • Transportation bills and receipts, including mileage records

  • Meal subsidy reimbursements

  • Records of payments for your services

  • Online purchases such as marketplace, Amazon, or craigslist with a description of purchase.

Don't rely on canceled checks or credit card statements to prove that you made a purchase. Keep and file the original receipts to help ensure that your deductions will be accepted.

Space Deduction: For in-home businesses, the IRS typically requires that a home office or workspace be used exclusively for the home business and no other purpose. The rooms and space that you use regularly when caring for the children of your clients may qualify for a deduction. If you know what you can deduct on your taxes, you'll be able to keep better records.

We recommend hiring a Tax Professional: Even if your income from your childcare business is modest, you may benefit from hiring a tax professional to prepare your annual returns. Professionals may be able to identify deductions that you might otherwise miss. Also, he or she will ensure that you are reporting your income correctly, reducing the risk of an audit or having to pay penalties and interest because of an error in your calculations. If you decide to hire a tax professional, ask if he or she is licensed and also ask if he or she has experience in preparing returns for home childcare clients who are on the food program. If you participate in this program, you'll need to keep track of your reimbursements and actual meal expenses to determine whether you'll be able to take further deductions on the food you purchase.

If you have tax questions, are filing for the first time, or just need a tax preparer who knows childcare taxes for your area, Daycare Time Solutions, searched out qualified consultants that can help. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation by clicking on the link below.


We know that a lot of childcare programs are struggling to keep their program full.

Daycare Time Solutions marketing team has come up with 5 of our best tips and strategies to help you market your childcare business for the year 2022.

Before you begin to market for your business you must understand what kind of client you are actually looking for. A lot of childcare providers are running into headache after headache because they are desperate to fill their vacant spots. So, they are willing to accept any client into their program. Remember this, " All clients are not your clients"

1) Define your market

Take out a piece of paper and write these questions down, and the answer them.

a) Who is my ideal client?

b) What do they do for a living? Are they blue-collar or white-collar workers?

c) What kind of places do they attend?

d) Do they have one child or more than one?

e) What hours do they work?

f) Are they new parents?

g) Are they single parents?

h) Are they heading back to work after staying home for years?

*Remember it is ok to make sure a client is a good fit for your program.

2) Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a childcare program.

Be honest with yourself. I know we all like to think that we have it all together, and in many areas we may. However, as a business professional we have to be able to identify where we are so that we can improve, grow, but most of all clearly highlight our business to our potential clients.

This is very important because as a business you have to be able to stand out from the other programs in your area providing a similar service.

3) Branding

Who is your program? Yes, you read that correctly! I said who is your program? Does your program have its own personality? Does it clearly represent your values, beliefs and standards? Does your home or center stand out as a childcare, or does it blend into the neighborhood?

4) Embrace social media

Social media is not going anywhere. Social media is more than just a tool to gain exposure; it has become a necessary part of business operations. You can use social media to promote your services and connect with 1000's of potential clients.

Does your business have an online presence? Be sure that your brand is identical on all platforms. I hear a lot of providers say, "Oh I am just a small in-home childcare, so I really don't think I need a social media presence". WRONG that is exactly why you need an online presence. As consumers before we purchase a product we go online and do our research, and guess what your potential clients are doing the same with your program.

We recommend, at least, you post an engaging post every day, pictures of some of the activities that you are doing each day with intentional content, etc. If a potential client views your page, it should give them an idea of what your program is about.

5) Last, but definitely not least Tell People who you are

-Consistently tell people who you are! You're amazing at what you do, but one of the reasons you may be struggling to get people through your door is because no one is aware of who you are or what you do.

"Marketing doesn't have to to be complicated. It's all about the Strategy!"

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